Educators at this Year's CSPDWeek (2023) had a BLAST!!
The Information for the 2023 CSPD Week and what was included!
Location: Indiana University, Bloomington
Who is Invited: All Indiana K-12 educators teaching computer science content during the 2023-2024 school year.
Monday, June 26 - Friday, June 30, with registration, an opening dinner, and celebration on Sunday, June 25th
What’s Included: This event is free for Indiana K-12 public school teachers and includes:
In-person professional development from June 26 - June 30, 2023. Workshop selection will come out in January 2023.
Networking events and supplemental workshops during CSPDWeek
Hotel accommodations for teachers living more than 50 miles from Indiana University, Bloomington are automatically included. Hotel accommodations for teachers living less than 50 miles from Indiana University, Bloomington will be considered based on need and availability and granted on a first come, first serve basis.
Welcome dinner and celebration on Sunday, June 25
Breakfast and lunch (Monday - Friday)
Stipends for eligible participants (see details below)
Completion certificate and (at least) 30 hours of PGP points for the week
Participation in follow-up PD and PLC activities throughout the school year.
Stipend: Indiana K-12 public and public charter school teachers are eligible to receive a stipend for their participation in CSPDWeek and follow up professional learning throughout the year. The stipend will be awarded in two payments:
The first stipend of $1080 for completion of all pre-work and complete attendance at CSPDWeek 2023, to be paid by the end of October 2023.
The second stipend of $480 for participation in (at least) 16 hours of ongoing virtual PLC and PD meetings throughout the 2023-2024 school year, to be paid by the end of June 2024.
In order to be eligible for CSPDWeek, teachers must meet the following requirements:
Teach in an Indiana K-12 public school for the 2023-2024 school year
Complete all required pre-work and actively participate throughout all professional learning at CSPDWeek 2023
Implement the content covered during CSPDWeek 2023 in their classrooms during the 2023-2024